Evaluating my finished work
This image I was inspired to portray the arches under the tunnels. I love how the graffitti stands out a lot, and the arches too have a nice symmetrical shape to them. Also how the window in the far is smashed and still visible to discover. What i would of liked to improve on, even though I think it goes great with this photograph, is the walls of the tunnels. I would of liked to make them a little more cleaner and less grimey but more grotty and urban.
Also next time I would of made the photo more straighter because I had trouble rotating the image and cropping most of the good parts of the photo.
I love this image because of the highest point. It's lovely and bright, which helps take the photo more creatively and with a better exsposure. I love how the models in the Custard Factory are falling, which helps think of a lot of good photoshoot ideas.
I did want to make it look like there was angels falling out of heaven like God has cast them out. I thought because of their body language they seemed to look like them. Also they called of been people falling out of a building with the background.
I didn't like how when I got up close to the models, the strings where obviously to hold them up and I didnt want to capture them, if I was to do it again I would remove the strings using a editing programme, maybe Photoshop.
This is one of my favorite images because it really shows his mysterious facial expression and body language. I love the colours of the buildings, the way they are formed, the effect used and how it seems kind of 3D.
There isn't nothing I would improve with this photograph because i'm really happy with it.

This image was great to capture because of the bright light coming from outdoors. I love the shape of the architecture which helped to form a great depth of field when taking the photograph. I also like the colour of the wall it's a sand colour and reminds me of a hot country palace or castle.
Two things I would change if I was to re-take this image is I would of made the aperture a bit more larger, so that we could see a bit more of the different patterns going down the wall. Another would be to try and get the wall from a further distance so that I could of got a better focus point to show of the wall a bit more.
What I love about this image is how i've basically captured the light. I love the exsposure, also the effect used to show it off. I like how the tree and the building is in sync to and a nice opening which I could use to photograph well.
One thing that annoyed me was the corridoor underneath that I wish was more clinical and empty because the signs and doors put me of some inspired ideas.
This image we can see there is a lot of colour. What I like about this image is that it shows it off so well. The wall on the building looks like it shows it off better, because it gives it a 3D- walk in the picture- effect.
The fountine was a great idea for me to capture a good shutter speed. I wanted a slowish shutter speed to capture a more slower flowing fountine and I would of sharpened it later. I would of prefered now if it was a more sharper faster shutter speed maybe to capture it in a better way.
Also I think the water is too blue. I did want it like this but I think it would of been better a little less colour saturated.
The thing I like about this photograph is that I wanted to get a really clean looking architectual photograph. I done this by using black and white and softening bits.
There is nothing that I don't really like about this photograph because it looks artistic and different.
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